Friday 13 May 2011

Exam preparation

Here are five concrete things you can do at any time to prepare for exams:

Get hold of appropriate textbooks early and familiarise yourself with them. Try to do some preliminary reading.


  • Make contact with other students - they may wish to form useful study groups later on.

  • .Make sure you're acquainted with the course program, lectures, tutorials, lab sessions - what is or has been covered, and when?

  • Think where your subjects fit in to your overall course and career objectives. Maybe more work on that subject you find boring now will pay off much later on.

  • Work through past papers. You can access past exam papers from the Past exams database Opens in a new window on the Monash library website. Some unit coordinators also include past papers in the MUSO sites for their units. If working through a whole paper seems a bit too daunting, it's a good idea to select some questions. Sit down to them, turning off the stereo and your mobile, and take the landline telephone off the hook. Time yourself and see how much you can accomplish within the allotted time. You might want to select questions that you have not covered during the semester, answer these, and give them to your lecturer. At the very least this will let the lecturer know you are interested in the subject - and it will give you good practice.



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