Sunday 8 May 2011


The equation is a statement which is used to make two values or expressions equal. These are used to find out the relation between two variables or values. This is used to translate a word problem into mathematical problem.

If the equation is perfect algebraic equation then we should follow the above properties to produce perfect equation:
1) Any quantity can be added or subtracted to both sides.
2) Any quantity or function can be multiplied or applied to both sides.
3) Any nonzero quantity can divide both sides.

Different form of an equation:
There are many forms of equations based on their functionality; they can be expressed in the form of :
   Quadratic equation
   Polynomial equation
   Linear equation
   Cubic equation etc.

Quadratic equation:
It is generally represented in the form of.
a,b,c are constants and x is a variable.
 In quadratic equation maximum power should be 2.

Polynomial equation:
It is generally represented in the form of
 ax5+bx4+cx3+dx2+ex+f =0
a,b,c,d,e,f are constants and x is a variable.
There can be any finite variables in a polynomial equation.

Linear equation:
Linear equation is an equation which has a variable and a constant. It is generally represented as.
 x+y+c=0 x,y are variables and c is a constant.

Cubic equation:
It is generally represented as
a,b,c,d are constants and x is a variable. In cubic equation the maximum power should be 3.

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